Dynamics of the Australian Public Accounting Sector:
Perspectives of Workplace Diversity, Organisational Culture, Climate and Performance.
My name is Silke Harms and I am a Professional Doctorate Student at Victoria University in Melbourne. I am conducting a research study into cultural diversity in the Australian Public Accounting Sector and hope that you are able to participate..

The research is aimed at understanding the experiences of accountants from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, their sense of social connection, acceptance and general well-being in the workplace and how this impacts performance.

I would like to invite you to be part of this study by taking this short survey that is designed to better understand cultural diversity in the accounting profession.

Protecting Your Privacy and Confidentiality
Please know that your information will be treated with the utmost care and will not be shared with anyone outside the research team. The information you provide will be anonymous, removing any connection to you.

Please click Take the Survey button when ready.

Note: that by doing so you consent to the terms provided in the information and consent pages shown below and provide permission for me to use your answers from the survey. I am very appreciative of you time and effort in supporting this research study.



The risk to participants is estimated to be negligible as there are no obvious dangers to physical and mental health. Participation is confidential and by informed consent and the student researcher is available to be contacted for further clarification before the survey commences.

This section confirms that you are happy to be involved in this study and that the information you provide will form part of the results.

Important for you to know:
- Your information is held confidentially
- No one but the research team will know your answers

I certify that I am at least 18 years old* and that I am voluntarily giving my consent to participate in the study titled: Dynamics of the Australian Public Accounting Sector: Perspectives of Workplace Diversity, Organisational Culture, Climate and Performance, being conducted at Victoria University by Silke Harms under the supervision of Dr Thu-Huong Nguyen and Professor Anona Armstrong.

I certify that the objectives of the study, together with any risks and safeguards associated with the procedures listed hereunder to be carried out in the research, have been fully explained to me in the INFORMATION TO PARTICIPANTS INVOLVED IN RESEARCH and that I freely consent to participate involving the below mentioned procedures of the survey questionnaire.

I certify that I have had the opportunity to have any questions answered and that I understand that I can withdraw from this study at any time and that this withdrawal will not jeopardise me in any way.
I have been informed that the information I provide will be kept confidential.

Any queries about your participation in this project may be directed to the researcher:

Ms Silke Harms
mobile: 0439 030 455
email: silke.harms1@live.vu.edu.au
If you have any queries or complaints about the way you have been treated, you may contact the Ethics Secretary, Victoria University Human Research Ethics Committee, Office for Research, Victoria University, PO Box 14428, Melbourne, VIC, 8001, email Researchethics@vu.edu.au or phone (03) 9919 4781 or 4461.


You are invited to participate in a research project entitled Dynamics of the Australian Public Accounting Sector: Perspectives of Workplace Diversity, Organisational Culture, Climate and Performance.
This project is being conducted by student researcher, Silke Harms, as part of a Professional Doctorate study at Victoria University under the supervision of Dr Thu-Huong Nguyen and Professor Anona Armstrong from Victoria University Business School.

About this project
The study is an investigation into cultural diversity, based on cultural ethnicity and languages other than English, spoken in the Australian accounting profession.
The objective is to examine how cultural diversity in the profession’s culture and climate impact organisational performance. Performance outcomes will be measured at the organisational level and analysed on the organisation’s financial success, social cohesion and employee well-being.

The key point: We want to better understand how having different ethnic backgrounds and diversity in an accounting practices improves financial success.

What will I be asked to do?
You will be asked a series of questions that relate to your cultural background, your experiences at work and your impressions and perceptions of the organisational culture and climate in your organisation. The focus is on how these elements influence your duties and responsibilities and your ability to undertake your role as an accountant, your sense of inclusion by your co-workers, the social and professional cohesion of the organisation and your sense of well-being.

The key point: Your answers will help us understand how your organisation makes you feel and the impact on your work.

What will I gain from participating?
The potential benefits for participants in this study are neither immediate nor directly personal. However, by participating in this research project, its investigations, data-gathering and analysis, you are potentially contributing to raising awareness of the importance and benefits of a culturally diverse workforce in the accounting profession. In addition, there may be beneficial outcomes that may result from an informed organisational culture and inclusive workplace based on the financial success of the firm and the social cohesion and well-being of all employees.

The key point: We hope this research will help to show how cultural and ethnic diversity in accounting practices can improve financial success

How will the information I give be used?
Initially, the information and findings will be written as a doctoral thesis with intermittent articles submitted for journal publication during the research process. In addition, the information will be presented at various management conferences and higher education class presentations. On completion of the thesis, it is envisaged that through dissemination of academic journal publications and consultation with the accounting profession will lead to a better understanding of the value, in the form of positive organisational culture and improved performance that cultural diversity can bring to the workplace,

The key point: Your information will be used in research, publications and consulting with the accounting profession.

What are the potential risks of participating in this project?
The risk to participants is estimated to be negligible as there are no obvious dangers to physical and mental health. Participation is confidential and by informed consent and the student researcher is available to be contacted for further clarification before the survey commences.
Participation in this study, through the medium of the survey questionnaire, offers respondents an opportunity to provide information about their work experiences and feelings about career opportunities, social cohesion and well-being in their workplace, whether they be positive or negative. Knowing that through their participation data can be gathered to provide academics and employers with evidence-based data to review and re-frame workplace policies, where organisational culture and climate is one of inclusion and respect.

The key point: Your answers are kept private and no one will know what your answers are, so we don't believe there is any risk to you in participating. We hope that the outcome helps drive positive change in the accounting profession.

How will this project be conducted?
This study into workplace diversity of the profession employs a mixed method approach, combining both qualitative (one on one interviews) and quantitative (survey questionnaires) methodologies.
The survey questionnaire will be conducted on-line and distributed electronically via the internet to a large random sample of accountants.
On completion of the data collection, the information will be analysed, evaluated and interpreted to provide further knowledge to academia and the profession for decision making and policy development

The key point: The research is based on online surveys and one on one interviews

Who is conducting the study?
There are no third-party organisations or industries involved in this project. This is an academic research project conducted under the supervision and within the ethical standards guidelines of Victoria University

Chief Investigator: -
Dr Thu-Huong Nguyen
ID: - E5018162
Email: - Thu-Huong Nguyen@vu.edu.au
Landline: - 9919 1268

Student Researcher: -
Ms Silke Harms
Email: - Silke.Harms1@live.vu.edu.au
ID: - s4560147
Mobile: - 0439 030 455

Any queries about your participation in this project may be directed to the Chief Investigator listed above. If you have any queries or complaints about the way you have been treated, you may contact the Ethics Secretary, Victoria University Human Research Ethics Committee, Office for Research, Victoria University, PO Box 14428, Melbourne, VIC, 8001, email researchethics@vu.edu.au or phone (03) 9919 4781 or 4461.

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